Electronic Recyclers: More than 200 million pounds of electronic waste went to recyclers in California alone in 2007, according to John Shegerian, CEO of Electronic Recyclers, one of the largest e-waste recyclers in the U.S. And roughly 80 million analog TVs will get heaved out in 2008 and 2009. The European Union and four states have already implemented e-waste regulation and more are expected to follow.

The companies make their money in a couple of ways. First, governments pay them to process waste. Second, recyclers are free to refurbish and resell equipment. Third, if the PC must get melted down, the raw materials can be sold as commodities. Other ones to keep an eye on: (a server refurbisher), TechTurn (notebooks), and (a joint venture with Panasonic, Sharp, and Toshiba.)

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