Electronic Recyclers International (ERI), the nation’s leading recycler of electronic waste, announced today that it opened an office at the Nation’s capitol. The Pennsylvania Avenue location is the company’s ninth location in the United States.
“The legislative landscape for used and unwanted consumer electronics continues to change,” said John Shegerian, Chairman and CEO of ERI. “The Federal government has continued to lead by example by calling for the utilization of certified recyclers for the management of its used electronics, so we felt it was important to have a physical presence in the Washington, DC metro area. The office also enables ERI to stay in tune with the latest legislative and regulatory updates as well as to continue to build our relationships with the Federal government.”
Shegerian noted that Katie Reilly, ERI’s Program Manager of E-Waste Legislation, will head the office.
No strangers to staying at the forefront of legislation and certification, ERI is currently certified by the GSA as qualified to recycle electronics directly from federal government buyers for the next 20 years. ERI is also the world’s first recycler of electronics to be fully dual-certified in both R2 certification and the Basel Action Network’s e-Stewards certification at every one of its operating locations.